Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Russia says it advances in eastern Ukraine and regroups after incursion

The capture of Niu-York, if confirmed by Ukraine, would mark another incremental success for Russia and would open the door to further possible strategically important gains. The town, whose name is pronounced like “New York”, has been devastated by heavy shelling and bombing by Russian forces who have used drones to dislodge Ukrainian forces from fortified positions.
With a pre-war population of just under 10,000, thousands of whom have since fled the fighting, the town is on the railway line to Sloviansk, one of the cities in Donetsk that Moscow has long wanted to take.
Donetsk is one of four Ukrainian regions which Russia says it has annexed even though it does not fully control all of it, a territorial claim that Kyiv and the West have rejected as illegal and one which Ukraine has vowed to reverse by force.
